Posts Tagged ‘assingment’

spaces tender and vulnerable

June 28, 2008

Lists are glorious, fabulous things! They are so versatile. Cross cultural even! You can express anything through a list. Anything.

List of the week:

Top five things that you DON’T need when you haven’t slept for two days and have an assignment due in the morning.

1.    Have your pencil case filled with jaffas by class mates.
2.    Be fasting
3.    Lose your eftpos card and hope you make it home on an empty tank.
4.    Run out of coffee
5.    Listen to your 80 year old lecturer with an Israeli belt talk about spaces “tender and vulnerable.”

Spaces “tender and vulnerable!” What does that even mean?!! Why is it talked about in a lecture about enriching the curriculum…by my 80 year old lecturer wearing and Israeli belt?!!

Ideas for things to list?

Suggestions for what it means?